

Angles with Parallel or Perpendicular Lines



Angles with parallel lines

What are relationships between the angles created by parallel lines?
The answer is in applets about angles created by transversals.
In the applet below check if you understood.

Made by Antonija Horvatek with the GeoGebra program

Follow the instructions in the applet.
Choose different values of the angle α, then use the 'angle' check boxes and say the values of the angles.
Also, you can move the vertex of the shown angles to check if their sides are parallel to the sides of the angle α.


Angles with perpendicular lines - investigation

Use the applet below to investigate the relationships between angles with perpendicular lines.

Made by Antonija Horvatek with the GeoGebra program

Start by clicking the buttons down in the applet.
Notice the angles that appear in the vertex V and whose sides are perpendicular to the sides of the angle α. What are relationships between values of that angles and the value of the angle α?
You can move all visible point, before and after construction.


Angles with perpendicular lines - exercise

Use the applet below to check if you understood the relationships between angles with perpendicular lines.

Made by Antonija Horvatek with the GeoGebra program

Follow the instructions in the applet.
Choose different values of the angle α, then use the 'angle' check boxes and try to guess the values of the angles.
Also, you can move the vertex of the shown angles to check if their sides are perpendicular to the sides of the angle α.


If applets don't work correctly, try to use another web browser (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer...) or change some properties in the web browser you use. Also, you can try upgrade your web browser.


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